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Psychiatrist Against Transgenderism Defies Death Threats

Even though his life has been threatened for doing so, Massachusetts-based psychiatrist Keith Ablow, M.D. vows to continue to speak out against transgenderism, saying that this unproven science is putting vulnerable children at risk for unnecessary surgical procedures.

According to, Dr. Ablow says he has no intention of keeping quiet about the dangerous trend to allow children to determine their own genders in spite of the fact that he has received death threats and calls for him to be stripped of his credentials for doing so.

"I have had to make a decision about whether to say what I think and try to be empathetic to everyone, despite those threats and despite the calls from many people for me to be stripped of my academic credentials,” Ablow told LifeSite in an exclusive interview. “It’s important to keep speaking out on this issue because, apparently, in America, there are thousands of children who are being prepared for extensive, life-changing plastic surgery who may or may not need it.”

He believes there needs to be more discussion in the psychiatric community about persons who claim they feel "trapped in the wrong body" and says there is no definitive data suggesting that any male or female soul was ever born into the wrong anatomic gender.

“We don’t know as psychiatrists precisely where any fixed and false belief comes from,” Ablow said.  “And if it turns out that people who think they are locked in the wrong gender body could have been approached with something other than a scalpel, then we’ll be responsible as a field for not having been more diligent in seeking those answers as to where this comes from.”

Dr. Ablow ran into trouble with LGBT activists after he called a California law allowing students in public schools to choose whether to use girls' or boys' restrooms and gym facilities "profoundly damaging" to all children.

“I know that other psychiatrists may well disagree, and I know that LGBT activists will criticize me, but I believe that allowing this ‘choice’ is profoundly destructive, psychologically, to all students, including the ones who identify themselves as transgender," Ablow wrote.

The article sparked an angry backlash from some, particularly those in the LGBT community, from whom he received graphically violent threats “telling me what should be done to me and how it should be done.”

As a psychiatrist, he believes this kind of violent reaction to any questioning of gender identity politics is coming from fear.

“I think we’re deep enough into this issue that people are very loathe to re-examine the implications of doing things like injecting 12-year-olds with massive doses of hormones to stop puberty,” he told LifeSite.

He vowed to continue speaking out even though he fully expects to continue getting death threats.

“I believe that children have enough to deal with as they struggle to feel comfortable with their bodies, with the notion of privacy and with later changes involving puberty without urging them to grapple with the notion that their souls may have been born into the wrong bodies.”

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