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Late-Term Abortionist Spotted at Pelosi’s Health Care Unveiling

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Anyone who is still wondering about whether or not abortion funding is included in the latest health care bill unveiled by the House, need only glance through the invitation-only audience who attended Speaker Pelosi’s press conference last week where the infamous late-term abortionist, LeRoy Carhart was spotted in the crowd. According to a report by, Carhart, the Nebraska-based abortionist who unsuccessfully challenged the national partial-birth abortion ban at the Supreme Court, was photographed at the press conference held by Speaker Pelosi to unveil the new House health care reform bill. A representative of Concerned Women for America photographed Carhart during a rally in front of the U.S. Capitol earlier in the day. He was holding a sign promoting the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice in support of taxpayer funded abortion. "If there was any doubt that the Pelosi-Reid-Obama health care scheme would force taxpayers to fund abortions, there isn't anymore," Operation Rescue president Troy Newman told LifeNews. "If Pelosi's health care bill is passed, our tax dollars will go straight into Carhart's pockets to fund abortions, especially late-term abortions done on viable babies." Calling Carhart a “hack” who sent many women to the hospital with life-threatening abortion injuries, Newman said Carhart is currently under investigation by the Nebraska Attorney General’s office after three of his former employees reported unsafe conditions and illegal activity taking place in Carhart’s clinics. The women claim the they were forced to perform medical duties that they were not legally qualified to do, such as starting IVs, dispensing medication, and assisting with surgeries. They also reported that the facility was often unclean with dried blood found on instruments laid out for surgery. Some claimed Carhart was often chemically impaired while on duty, that he had poor personal hygiene and rarely washed his hands between patients. One of Carhart’s most infamous botched abortions was the third-trimester procedure he performed on the mentally disabled Christin Gilbert who later died of her injuries. "If Pelosi has her way, even more women will have their lives placed at risk by Carhart with the taxpayer footing the bill," he said. "It is unthinkable that this kind of quackery should be allowed, much less funded at taxpayer expense." While in the nation’s capitol, Operation Rescue staged a protest where members laid down in the street in the shape of the number 71, which represents the percentage of Americans who oppose taxpayer funded abortions in the nation’s health care plans. “The Obama-Pelosi-Carhart scheme would lead to more abortions and would cost the taxpayers millions of dollars that we don’t have,” Newsman says on his website. “It is a morally bankrupt plan that could contribute to fiscally bankrupting our nation. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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