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Tulsa Exorcist: Black Mass Attendees Risk Possession

Monsignor Patrick Brankin Monsignor Patrick Brankin

The exorcist for the diocese of Tulsa is warning attendees of this Sunday's black mass at the Oklahoma City Civic Center that they risk being possessed by the demons that are invoked in the ritual, especially if they are not in a state of grace, and is calling upon the faithful to engage in "intense prayer" to counter the evil of the rite.

Aleteia is reporting on a chilling interview given by Monsignor Patrick Brankin to Tulsa World on Monday. Msgr. Brankin, who has been serving as the exorcist for the diocese of Tulsa for the last four years, said this event has to be fought with prayer. He specifically requested the priests of the diocese to pray the Leonine Prayers which he described as being an "exorcism of place."

This is needed because, as his bishop, Edward J. Slattery of Tulsa, has warned: "Public worship of the Devil brings the dark powers of the enemy into the open. It legitimizes horrific abuse and normalizes acts of shameful degradation. It poses a spiritual danger to everyone directly or indirectly involved in it, but that same danger threatens every one of our families."

This is a very dangerous event and Msgr. Brankin said those who attend should think twice about doing so.

“I would think that there would be a real strong possibility, especially if they’re in the state of sin, that they would walk out possessed,” Msgr. Brankin said.

“They’re going into a situation where people there are calling upon Satan to exercise dominion over everything in the state—dominion over people, places, our very land. They promise to do an exorcism of the Christians there, which, in their own foolish talk, involves the pulling out of the Holy Spirit. If someone went there out of curiosity, especially if there was a possibility that they were not in the state of grace, they could easily come out with a demonic attachment, whether it would be an oppression, obsession or a full possession.”

He went on to explain the differences among those three categories: "Oppression and obsession are very painful and damaging states of demonic interference, but less controlling than Diabolic Possession. In effect, the control in oppression and obsession are from the outside, while the demonic control in possession is from the inside."

Msgr. Brankin, who is receiving several requests for help per week, said he's expecting an uptick in requests after the black mass.

According to Bishop Slattery, the number of people needing this kind of help has been increasing steadily over the years, mostly because of the increasing secularism in society and dabbling in occult-oriented activities.

When he first came to Tulsa 20 years ago, Bishop Slattery said the diocese was getting about one call a year concerning demonic activity. “But in the last few years, we’re seeing more demonic activity.” This trend is due to more and more people turning to Ouija boards, witchcraft, astrology, fortune telling and other occult practices that “open the door to the demonic.” The neighboring diocese of Oklahoma City successfully sued for the return of the consecrated host that was to be used at the black mass, which is being sponsored by the Dakhma of Angra Mainyu "church"; however, in spite of a national outcry against it, the event is still scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 21, at 7:00 p.m. CDT.

Bishop Slattery as well as many other U.S. bishops are asking for holy hours of Eucharistic adoration to take place at the same time as the black mass and that, wherever possible, there should be an outdoor procession “so that we can both reaffirm the lordship of Jesus and also reclaim the land that is now being blasphemed and claimed for the enemy,” Bishop Slattery has said.

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