Join us at 8:00 p.m. as we celebrate the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux by exploring the life of the "greatest saint of modern times" and the quintessential doctrine she proclaimed during her short life on earth. In her own words, she will teach us "the way of confidence and abandonment", how to "acknowledge our nothingness" and "expect everything from the good Lord as a child expects everything from its father." We will learn how to "worry about nothing" and to be content to "remain little".
Therese's Little Way of Spiritual Childhood brings holiness down from the lofty mountain-tops of the great saints and into the reach of little souls who love God but who are beset by weaknesses and faint-heartedness. But we truly want to soar with the eagles and this is the only prerequisite for the Little Way - our desires must be those of the eagle even while acknowledging - and even loving - the fact that we belong to the humble ranks of the sparrow.
This webinar, conducted by a third order Carmelite who considers herself to be among the sparrows, will walk you through each step of the Little Way, explain what it means and how to practically apply it to your life. It will help you to stop struggling to be bigger than who you really are and to humbly accept your limitations. Only then can we learn how to truly rely on the mercy of God whose grace can do all that we are unable to do for ourselves. As the Lord told St. Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" (2Cor 12:9). This is the Little Way!
Our webinar will last for one hour and include time for questions and answers. Click here to sign up!