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Citizens Outraged by Portrayal of Bestiality on TV

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The Parents Television Council® (PTC) is urging the public to file indecency complaints with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about Fox’s “American Dad,” which featured bestiality between a man and horse on a January 3 episode that aired during hours when indecent content is prohibited.  The show, which aired on the Fox broadcast network at 9:30 p.m. EST and 8:30 CMT, a time when children are watching, depicted a man engaging in a sex act with a horse. The same show also included graphic scenes of a character ripping a woman’s arm from its socket and bleeped uses of the “f-word.” In spite of this appalling content, the network rated the show TV-14 DLSV, meaning that it considered the content appropriate for 14 year olds. “Under what definition of ‘contemporary community standards’ is the Fox broadcast standards department operating,” asks PTC president Tim Winter. “The fact that this material even made it to air demonstrates the network’s contempt for families.” American Family Association (AFA) president Tim Wildmon agrees, saying the network must be held accountable for spewing its “toxic perversion and sickening content” when children are watching. In response, they have set up a special website where concerned citizens can quickly file an FCC complaint. “If you believe that the bestiality content aired in this program is indecent and violates the federal broadcast decency law then we urgently need you to take action now,” the AFA says. “Unless you act this kind of material could become the acceptable norm for television.” To file a complaint with the FCC, visit © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®