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Planned Parenthood Solicits Donations for “Reproductive Care” for Haiti

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist With an estimated nine million Haitians displaced in the wake of last week’s devastating earthquake and in dire need of the basics such as food, water and shelter, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is soliciting donations for “condom demonstrations” and other “reproductive care” for Haitian quake victims. “This is sick,” said Rita Diller, national director of American Life League's STOP Planned Parenthood project. “Planned Parenthood is exploiting Haitians dying of thirst as a backdrop for their next fundraising appeal. Bodies are still in the streets, children are wounded, Haiti looks like a war zone and Planned Parenthood is diverting funds for condoms.” IPPF’s latest fundraising appeal asks donors to “Help Haiti Now” by donating to their PROFAMIL project which has offered Haitians contraception, condoms and sex-ed for teenagers since 1984. “Haiti needs food, water, clothing and shelter - not condom demonstrations or birth control pills - especially when we see more than 25,000 lawsuits filed in the United States alone due to the dangerous side effects from the Yaz birth control pill, ” Diller said. “Condoms and birth control aren’t life saving relief, but rather life-threatening.” ALL points out, the pill, patch, IUD and similar birth control products cause great harm to women. Because many of them are abortifacients, they can also cause early abortions, which only adds to the staggering death toll of nearly 200,000 that this nation has already suffered “Time is running out for Haiti,” Diller writes. “We call on Planned Parenthood to cease this ridiculous fundraising campaign that is keeping water, food and medical supplies from Haiti and to ask their supporters to contribute to the real needs of the victims of the this disaster,” © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®