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Elton John Blasphemes Jesus, Reveals Dark Side of Homosexual Lifestyle

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist In an interview appearing in Parade Magazine yesterday, singer Elton John called Jesus a compassionate gay man, and revealed the dark side of the homosexual lifestyle. “I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems,” said John, 62. “On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don't know what makes people so cruel.” The comment has outraged Christians around the world, but many were not surprised. “ . . .(W)hat else would we expect from a man who previously said, ‘From my point of view, I would ban religion completely,’” asks Catholic League president Bill Donohue. “Jesus was certainly compassionate, but to say He was “super-intelligent” is to compare the Son of God to a successful game-show contestant. More seriously, to call Jesus a homosexual is to label Him a sexual deviant.  . . . We’re not sure what’s worse—John’s ignorance or intolerance.” John was also quite glib with details about the legendary promiscuity that accompanies the homosexual lifestyle. "I'd always choose someone younger,” the singer said about his early days as a gay man in seach of the right partner. “I wanted to smother them with love. I'd take them around the world, try to educate them. One after another they got a Cartier watch, a Versace outfit, maybe a sports car. They didn't have jobs. They were reliant on me. I did this repeatedly. In six months they were bored and hated my guts because I'd taken their lives and self-worth away. I hadn't intended to." Going from man to man was a way of life for him. “ . . . I always had to be with someone, good or bad, otherwise I didn't feel fulfilled. I'd lost the plot." Drugs also played a critical role in his life.  "Just about every relationship I ever had was involved with drugs,” he said. “For some people a gram of cocaine can last a month. Not me. I have to do the lot, and then I want more. At the end of the day, all it led to was heartache." He made many attempts to get control of his life and said it wasn’t until he heard the story of Ryan White, a young boy who was dying of AIDS after being infected during a blood transfusion, that he decided to turn his life around. He gave up drugs and began to get involved in AIDS-related charity work. In 1993, he met a young advertising executive named David Furnish to whom he was joined in a civil partnership in England in 2005.   "I was attracted to David immediately,” John said. “He was very well dressed, very shy. The next night we had dinner. After it, we consummated our relationship. We fell in love very quickly."   The two attempted to adopt a child from the Ukraine last year but officials refused to allow it because the singer was too old and was not traditionally married. As for his offensive comments about Jesus, most believe the singer will never recant them. “ . . .(I)f we thought we could persuade him to issue an apology, we would try,”  Donohue said. “But given his recidivism, we won’t even bother to ask. One thing is clear: someone needs to straighten John out.” © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®