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Study Reveals Dangers of Same-Sex Parenting

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist During a presentation at a symposium in Mexico, a University of South Carolina scholar says that science has found that children adopted by same-sex couples are more prone to suicide. According to a report by the Catholic News Agency, George A. Rekers, Professor of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Science at the University of South Carolina made a presentation during a symposium sponsored by the Mexican Institute on Sexual Orientation in which he said children adopted by gay couples display “greater levels of stress” and suffer from “suicidal tendencies and attempts.” The presentation, entitled,  “Homosexual Adoption: What Science Has Discovered,” revealed that “boys and girls adopted by lesbian and homosexual couples show a greater level of stress than that which is already generated by their status as orphans or children abandoned by their biological parents.”  This situation “produces diverse trauma and behavioral disorders that can even lead to suicidal tendencies or attempts,” he said.  “According to various studies containing testimonies from children of homosexual parents, most of them admit to suffering strong emotions, such as fear, anxiety, apprehension, shame and anger in trying to hide from their friends and relatives the homosexuality of their father or mother,” he added. As for homosexual “marriages,” Dr. Reker’s study pointed out that “they are significantly and substantially less stable and shorter on average compared with marriages between a man and woman.” Consequently, “homes with a homosexual adult inevitably contribute to substantially higher rate of changes in adoptive homes.” “Due to the high incidence of psychological disorders among children who enter the  adoptive care system,” those “living with a practicing homosexual in the adoptive home,” are especially “vulnerable to psychological damage and an increasing inability to adapt,” Rekers said.  © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®