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Exorcist: Yoga/Reiki Can be Point of Entry for Demons

fr juan jose gallegoDuring a recent interview, Dominican priest and exorcist Father Juan Jose Gallego of the Archdiocese of Barcelona said that both Reiki and some forms of yoga can be points of entry for demons.

CNA is reporting on the comments made by the exorcist to the Spanish daily, El Mundo, in which he said that pride is the sin the devil likes the most. He also warned that “New Age” practices like Reiki and some yoga can be points of entry for the demons, and called addictions a “type of possession.”

Gallego, who has been serving as an exorcist in the diocese for nine years, admitted to the interview that he sometimes afraid when confronting demons.

“In the beginning I had a lot of fear,” Fr. Gallego replied. “All I had to do was look over my shoulder and I saw demons… the other day I was doing an exorcism, ‘I command you! I order you!’…and the Evil One, with a loud voice fires back at me: ‘Galleeeego, you’re over-doooing it.’ That shook me.”

But he knows that God is more powerful than the devil and likes to remind members of his family who were worried about him when he first took on the assignment.

“ . . . [W]hen they appointed me, a relative told me, ‘Whoa, Juan José, I’m really afraid, because in the movie ‘The Exorcist,’ one person died and the other threw himself through a window. I said to her ‘Don’t forget that the devil is (just a) creature of God.’”

He’s seen a lot in the last nine years.

“There was a boy whom the demon would set his shirt on fire at night and things like that. He told me what the demons were proposing him to do: If you make a pact with us, you’ll never have to go through any more of what you’re going through now,” he said.

He also said that when people are possessed, “they lose consciousness, they speak strange languages, they have inordinate strength, they feel really bad, you see very well-mannered people vomiting and blaspheming.”

He added: “You see the most proper ladies vomiting and swearing, saying things like ‘The Virgin Mary is a whore,’” he said.

Breitbart is reporting that his most terrifying case was that of an Ecuadorian lady whose husband summoned her after watching his wife lose consciousness and fall to the ground anytime she saw a religious symbol. When he arrived on the scene, he found the woman unconscious. As he was putting on his stoke and getting out his holy water, the woman suddenly began to crawl across the floor like a snake.

“I threw holy water on her and she writhed as it burned her. Her three-year-old son attempted to approach her and she tried to attack him. We had to take the child away. Then she came at me.”

In another case, a possessed 16-year-old boy with very little education said to him in perfect Latin: “I order you never to say the Lord’s Prayer again.”

The humble priest, who has a doctorate in theology from the University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, as well as a degree in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona, says his work can sometimes be “a very unpleasant job.”

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