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Exorcist: Rite of Exorcism Needed Now More than Ever

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist A leading pro-life leader, priest and exorcist explains how Satan is manifesting himself in today’s world and why the rite of exorcism is needed now more than ever. is reporting that in a new book scheduled for release next month, Fr. Thomas J. Euteneur, president of Human Life International and a practicing exorcist, explains how Satan is “flexing his muscles” in today’s society: “ . . .(I)deologies like radical feminism and ‘pro-choice’ extremism, the militant homosexual movement and the aggressive mass media which is the ministry of propaganda for Satan and all his works and all his empty promises,” he says in Exorcism and the Church Militant. Fr. Euteneuer, who has conducted exorcisms in several dioceses around the United States and has spoken to thousands of people on the subject, warns: “Never in all of history have we seen evil promoted so effectively and the true good so roundly mocked and rejected as in this age of extreme technological prowess. . . (T)he difference between the modern world and past generations is that Satan has a greater ability to use groups and institutions for increasing his wicked reach into human life and society.” He explains the many ways Satan manifests himself in today’s society, such as how he “arrogates to himself the right to control the totality of human existence even in so-called free societies: from manipulating the very act of creation (in vitro fertilization, cloning, Human Genome); to the authority over life and death (abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia); to the definition of human sexuality and marriage (birth control, divorce, homosexual unions); to the very prospect of human annihilation (nuclear war, genocide and the impending New World Order). “ Spiritual warfare is needed now more than ever, he says. “. . . (T)he devil's spiritual warfare on our flocks will intensify as the years proceed and that all Christians, but especially priests, will have no choice but to engage more deeply in the spiritual battle for souls.” © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace® Learn how to be victorious on the spiritual warfare battlefield! In his book, Onward Christian Soldier, John LaBriola teaches you how to protect yourself and your family. In the sacrament of Confirmation, God has given you all the weapons you need to be a true soldier for Christ. Tom Sullivan explains it all in Called to Knighthood.