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PA Abortionist Defies Order to Close Clinics

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist An abortionist whose state medical license was surrendered in 1992, and whose clinics have been frequently cited for the use of unlicensed medical personnel, is defying orders by the Pennsylvania Department of Health (PDH) to close the four clinics he operates in the state. The pro-life activist group, Operation Rescue, is reporting that abortionist Steven Chase Brigham, who operates 15 abortion clinics in four states, has been found to repeatedly and intentionally hire unlicensed abortionists and clinic workers in his four Pennsylvania clinics in violation of state law. “Brigham isn’t the only abortionist who maintains the practice of hiring unlicensed workers," says Operation Rescue president Troy Newman. "Based on our research into the shoddy practices of the abortion cartel, few of them actually have the proper staffing with the proper credentials. The practice is epidemic and puts the lives of women in grave danger. Brigham is just one who has been caught.” Apparently, in an effort to avoid closing his clinics, Brigham transferred ownership of the Pennsylvania clinics to an elderly woman in Ohio. However, Robert Torres, Deputy Secretary at the Department of Health ruled that any transfer of permission to run the abortion clinics “would be void.” Operation Rescue reports that Brigham has been on the wrong side of the law throughout his entire 24-year career. He voluntarily retired his medical license in Pennsylvania while under investigation just six years after graduating from Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1986. Since then four other states have barred him from practicing medicine including New York, California, Florida, and Georgia. He served 120 days in jail in 1998 for Medicaid fraud. Brigham lost his New York license after lacerating the cervix, uterine artery and uterus of a 20-year old patient and taking hours to realize it. The patient eventually suffered an emergency hysterectomy in what the Heath Department described as a ‘life-threatening’ incident in which Brigham did not seem to understand the severity of the situation. He was also ordered by a New Jersey judge to stop advertising his abortions as “painless” and “safe.” Even the National Abortion Federation (NAF) distanced itself from Brigham and issued a statement agreeing with the Pennsylvania order to close his clinics. “When the NAF won’t have you, you know it’s bad, since the NAF runs some of the nastiest, most dangerous abortion clinics in the country,” Newman said. Brigham has also run afoul of the IRS and may be forced to close all of his clinics due to an unpaid tax liability of $234,536. An April IRS notice states that " there is a lien in favor of the United States on all property and rights to property belonging to this taxpayer for the amount of these taxes, and additional penalties, interest, and costs that may accrue." Yet, despite his many problems, Brigham continues to operate clinics in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. He holds a current medical license only in New Jersey, where he has also been disciplined © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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