Blog Post

Planned Parenthood Celebrates a Century of Death

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Planned Parenthood celebrated its 100th anniversary yesterday with supporters and the mainstream media happily extolling the company’s “virtues” . . . while carefully editing out the darker side of the story.

According to an article by Judie Brown, president of the American Life League, Planned Parenthood is using its 100th birthday to focus on drumming up new business, which is why they are making a concerted effort to woo young people into the fold.

“Stating that young people sometimes take Planned Parenthood “for granted,” the organization will focus on personal stories in the hopes that this tactic will work with these young folks. But these will not include the personal stories of women who died as a result of their abortions. Nor will these tales focus on the teenagers diagnosed with depression as a result of ingesting the harmful chemicals in birth control pills.”

Nor will the abortion giant include any information about how a former talk show host named Ricki Lake went so far as to produce a video on the many health threats of birth control pills - all of which are carefully hidden from women.

The abortion giant will also edit out any stories about the many women who suffered traumatic side effects due to the way Planned Parenthood distributes the abortion pill, RU-486, mostly because this drug is a huge cash cow for the abortion cartel.

They'll continue to promote the myth that last year's videos about the alleged illegal sale of aborted baby parts were "edited" even while they are guilty of editing the truth at every turn.

“These are the facts Planned Parenthood would never share with the public,” Brown says, which is why ALL vice president Jim Sedlak made it his life’s work to tell these truths.

In an article entitled, “100 Years of Debauchery and Death”, Sedlak outlines the three major philosophies Margaret Sanger brought to Planned Parenthood which still drive the organization today: 1) push for uninhibited sex in its so-called “medically accurate” or “evidence based” sexuality education programs; 2) encourage small families and consider a large family as anything more than two children, going so far as to encourage government intervention in enforcing family size; 3) advocate eugenics—the purification of the race through selective breeding, discouraging “unfit” people of the world from having children – which is why most of their clinics are located in poor neighborhoods.

“Margaret Sanger’s philosophies run deep at Planned Parenthood, and our world is worse off because of her actions,” Sedlak recounts. “We have rampant sexual activity among our young people, an acceptance of killing preborn children and old or handicapped individuals, and a body count that continually climbs with every passing day. . ."

Yesterday was a sad day for America and the world because it commemorated the millions of lives that have already been lost in a century-old culture of death - and the women who continue to be victimized by this carefully edited war on life.

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