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Obama to Speak at Xavier University

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist A little more than a year after his controversial appearance at Notre Dame University, President Barack Obama has been invited to speak at Louisiana's Xavier University on August 29 to mark the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. is reporting that Xavier University president Dr. Norman Francis said he was "pleased and grateful" that Obama chose to visit the campus. “Mr. Obama will get to see firsthand why we are so proud of the progress we have made here at Xavier during the five years since Katrina, not only restoring our campus but expanding our facilities and services since then in order to fulfill our mission established 85 years ago," he said. The Cardinal Newman Society, an organization devoted to restoring a Catholic identity to U.S. Catholic institutions of higher education, has publicly criticized the school's decision to host the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history. “U.S. bishops' policy is clear,” said CNS in a statement provided to LifeSiteNews. “No Catholic institution should provide an honor or platform to a public opponent of fundamental Catholic teachings. This is most important at a university that is dedicated to seeking and teaching the truth, and which embraces the Catholic faith.”   Unfortunately, this is not the first time Xavier University has shown its support for Obama. It granted then-Senator Obama an honorary degree in 2006 and created a controversy in 2008 when it sponsored a get-out-the-vote event called "Countdown to Change" which was sponsored by the Obama campaign. The school declined to comment to about the event's conflict with U.S. bishops' policy. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®