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Teen Vogue Offers Post-Abortion “Gift” Suggestions

10056186_sAlthough Teen Vogue has been promoting abortion to teens for years, now they’re trying to normalize the procedure by suggesting gift ideas for girls after they have had an abortion.

According to the article, written by Whitney Bell, the perfect gifts for a post-abortive teen include a book of poetry, an “angry uterus heating pads”, chocolates, an F-Uterus pin, and a Ruth Bader Ginsburg coloring book.

“She will need a ride, she will need a hug, and she will need you — not because the act itself is so terrible, but because sometimes the world can be,” the article states.

In other words, the act of murdering your own child isn’t the problem – it’s the negative way the world views abortion.

“Abortion is something that many women feel like they can’t talk about, even amongst themselves, which creates a false stigma," the article continues. "The more we hide something, the more confusing it becomes. But she shouldn’t have to feel ashamed, because she made the right choice for her situation. She is not ready to carry a pregnancy to term — and that’s OK.”’

Naturally, Bell’s article makes no mention of the dark side of abortion, such as how 29 out of 30 studies have found that post-abortive women are at higher risk of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, suicidal behavior and substance abuse.

“While a heating pad and a chick flick may help in the immediate aftermath of the abortion, the reality is, most post-abortive women need much more than saucy pins and chocolate to heal,” writes Cassy Fiano for LiveActionNews.

“The pro-abortion lobby is not likely to ever acknowledge it, but psychological trauma after an abortion is real. And yet Bell doesn’t even take a sentence to tell her readers that their post-abortive friends might be grappling with some serious psychological issues that will need professional help.”

Yes, women who undergo an abortion need our help and compassion, but they also need things that will actually help them heal, Fiano says, “like proper follow-up care, counseling, and group support. Telling a post-abortive woman that all she needs is an ‘F-Uterus’ pin and to go be an abortion clinic escort is hardly helping her.”

For anyone wishing to help a pregnant teen in crisis, LiveAction recommends Embrace Grace and Teen Mother Choices International as organizations that can help them deal with their situation in a life-affirming way.

Otherwise, parents be vigilant about what your teens are reading!

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