On March 8, the same organizers who planned the vulgar Women’s March in Washington, DC are planning “A Day Without Women” general strike – the same day Christian ladies around the country will celebrate “Lady Day” to honor Our Lady and the gift of their femininity.
March 8 is International Women’s Day and was chosen by organizers of the Women’s March to be the second event aimed at mobilizing women against our pro-life administration. Dubbed “A Day Without Women”, this is a day when women are being urged to stay home from work, wear red, and avoid shopping to show their support for radical feminism and its cause celebre – “reproductive rights” – aka Planned Parenthood, abortion, and free contraception.
Of course, they describe the day as being organized “in the same spirit of love and liberation” that marked the Women’s March which means the country is in for another day riddled with vulgarity and hate speech toward anyone who does not embrace their anti-Trump agenda.
But what else can we expect from the radical feminists who are organizing the event, which now include a Palestinian terrorist named Rasmea Yousef Odeh who was convicted for her role in two terrorist bombings, one of which killed two students shopping for groceries at an Israeli supermarket in 1969. Odeh spent 10 years in prison for the crime, then immigrated to the U.S. in 2004 by lying about her past.
Rather than stand by and watch yet another uncouth display of godless feminist militancy, Christian women around the country are planning a “Lady Day” in which ladies come together to celebrate God’s plan for their lives.
The brainchild of John Horvat, vice president of Tradition, Family and Property, he calls it a “beautiful way to counter the radical feminist crowd.”
And it’s catching on!
“Lady Day is a positive response, a day for us to celebrate God’s plan for women as pure and good. In fact, the motto for this special day is ‘Pure Goodness at Work!’” writes Collette Zimmerman of The Catholic Lady blog.
“ . . .[H]ow many women can really skip work? What about mothers? What about nurses or any woman who works in society to help others? We can't skip work! And furthermore, we don't want to,” Zimmerman writes.
She quotes the sage advice of St. Francis de Sales who said, “Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.”
There is one woman who lived out the gift of femininity more perfectly than any other – Mary Most Holy – which is why Lady Day is dedicated to her.
“Our greatest dignity is, like Mary, to be what God designed us to be and our greatest happiness is in fulfilling God’s intention,” Zimmerman writes.
“Some are meant to be mothers, with a nurturing presence at home. Others, not given the grace of natural motherhood, are privileged to be mothers in a spiritual sense, to nurture others by unfailing purity, goodness and selflessness.”
As Cardinal Mindzenty once said, “Mothers are closer to God the Creator than any other creature; God joins forces with mothers in performing this act of creation…What on God’s good earth is more glorious than this; to be a mother?”
Odeh and her ilk might disagree, but they don’t speak for women – just for those who agree with their radical politics.
As for the rest of us, we can make March 8 into something holy, beautiful, and fun!
Zimmerman suggests that regardless of what work we do – at home or in the public square – that we dress up on that day in modest and elegant clothing to celebrate the beauty of womanhood.
“If someone asks why you’re dressed up, be prepared to explain that Lady Day is a special day to appreciate how God made women, and embrace our God-given role in society. Note: you do not need to take off work. Just be special on the day,” Zimmerman advises.
It’s also the perfect excuse to go out for tea or lunch or dinner with our lady friends.
And don’t forget to post a photo of your Lady Day event on The Return to Order Facebook page. When posting, using the hashtag #ladyday.
As Zimmerman says, this is a great way to counter the divisive ‘A Day Without Women’ strike – and think of what a great influence it will be on our children and society!
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