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H. J. Heinz Selling Homosexuality

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer (June 25, 2008) Culture-conscious consumers who want to spend their hard-earned cash on products produced by companies that promote traditional family values may want to take the Heinz label off their shopping list. The company’s latest commercial advertising deli-style mayo features a homosexual “family” and two men kissing. The ad, which is presently being aired in England, depicts a typical morning scene in a household where two children are preparing to go off to school while a man they call “mum” is making their lunches. “Mum’s” mate, a man in a business suit, is in the process of hurrying off to work when “Mum” calls him back, saying, “Aren’t you forgetting something?” The two kiss and, as the man is leaving for the office, “Mum” calls out, “See you tonight, sweet cheeks.” Donald E. Wildmon, founder and chairman of the American Family Association (AFA), calls the ad an obvious push for homosexual “marriage.” “This ad is currently running in England, but no doubt can be expected in the U.S. soon,” Wildmon said in an e-mail sent to all AFA members. “It is the kind of ad which we can expect to see in California as they prepare to vote on homosexual marriage.” Wildmon is suggesting that members forward the ad to family and friends “letting them know of the push for homosexual marriage by Heinz.” The ad, which is promoting Heinz deli-style mayonnaise products, is very much in keeping with a recently released strategy by nine pro-homosexual groups to gradually desensitize Americans to the idea of same-sex households. “Making the marriages of same-sex couples a conspicuous part of the American society will help us get something we’ll need to win ultimately: public acceptance of equal treatment for lesbian and gay families,” the strategy states.  The Heinz ad accomplishes this mission. “The gay community wants to paint the homosexual ‘family’ as normal - ‘Mum’ and dad are the perfect upper middle class family with a stay-at-home ‘mum,’ and such a sweet kiss over the counter,” writes Mary Anne Kreitzer, Editor and President of Les Femmes, an independent Catholic media apostolate. “No one ever talks about the multiple partners, the orgies, the drug/alcohol abuse, and the depraved practices . . . that go along with the lifestyle. Why not? Because that would blow the cover. They want you to believe that the nuclear family may be in trouble, but the gay family is the perfect place to raise happy healthy children.” The AFA is asking people to register their complaints with Heinz by calling their corporate headquarters at 800-255-5750 or writing to William R. Johnson, Chairman, H.J. Heinz Co., 600 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.




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