The blatantly anti-Catholic ABC series, The Real O’Neals, has been cancelled and will not be returning for a third season.
TVLine is reporting on the cancellation of “family” sitcom, The Real O’Neals, which managed to exist for two seasons before dismal ratings prompted ABC to cancel the show.
A blatantly offensive mockery of the Catholic faith, the show was based on a character named Kenny (Noah Galvin) who decides to “come out” as a homosexual and sends shock waves through his so-called “Catholic” family. The show was loosely based on the life of the notorious gay activist, bigot, and sex columnist Dan Savage.
“Far from being a gentle send-up, the sitcom was as nasty and contemptuous of traditional family life and religion as Savage is himself,” writes Matt Philbin of Newbusters.
“The characters were mired in hypocrisy and thoughtless, superstitious piety. The parents were splitting up, the young teen daughter stole from the poor box and the parish priest cried poverty but drove a Lexus. Episodes discussed gay porn, chronic masturbation, underage boys using gay dating apps to pick up older men, a wedding-like divorce ceremony, God being a woman and endless derision for the Church, it’s teachings and its people.”
How’s that for tolerance?
By the end of its second season in March, this bigoted series was ranked as ABC’s least-watched comedy with an average of just 3.1 million viewers per week.
The cancellation came as no surprise to Catholic League president Bill Donohue who has been calling for the show’s cancellation since the first episode aired two years ago.
“If Disney/ABC had any integrity they would have axed the script once it was submitted,” Donohue writes.
“Our problem all along had less to do with the stupid content of the show than it did with whom it was based on—Dan Savage.
"Savage is a vile anti-Catholic who is known for his sick sex columns and his obscene rants against priests. What he has said about Saint John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI is so foul that the New York Times would not allow me to describe what he said by inserting an asterisk in place of letters. Yes, his words were that filthy.”
He goes on to say that ABC wouldn’t think of basing a “comedy” on the life of the KKK’s David Duke, “but it had no problem offering a show based on Duke’s Catholic counterpart.”
However, even though the show is over, the hypocritical mainstream media, who likes to present itself as the bastian of “tolerance,” just can’t help taking a parting shot at the Catholic Church which it refuses to tolerate.
Here’s how the TVline story ended: “Think it was a sin for ABC to cancel The Real O’Neals? Enter the confessional booth — er, the comments — and unburden your soul.”
How intolerably cute!
Well, many people did weigh in, and some of the comments were certainly not what media bigots want to hear.
“I am not saddened to see this show go at all,” wrote someone named Brady. “It was beyond disrespectful to have a scene where a statue of the Virgin Mary was over a toilet bowl and two “Catholic” boys who enjoyed watching pornographic films on a laptop computer.
“This was the worst tv show ever,” John wrote.
Tomm agreed. “Not a funny show. Not a surprise.”
“Deserves to get cancelled,” Kevin wrote. “Very unfunny with cringe inducing moments.”
But Yay’s comment was the best: “Good riddance.”
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