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Women of Grace Retreat to Explore and Celebrate Fatima Centenary!

Fatima Shrine at  Malvern Retreat Center Fatima Shrine at Malvern Retreat Center

Women of Grace is returning to Malvern, Pennsylvania for its annual retreat and this one is bound to be even more powerful than usual because we will be celebrating a quintessential moment in the history of the Church – the 100th anniversary of the Marian apparitions at Fatima.

In honor of this historic occasion, the theme for this year’s gathering will be “Our Lady of Fatima and the Triumph: How the Battle Will Be Won.”

“In this most unprecedented time for the world, we see women rising up against the truth of who they were created to be. I believe we are being called to follow in the footsteps of Our Lady, ‘for such a time as this,’ to reclaim woman and triumph in the battles being waged against her,” says Johnnette Benkovic, Founder and President of Women of Grace®, an international Catholic apostolate for women.

The retreat, which will take place on July 7-9, will feature Johnnette along with Father Wade Menezes, CPM, Thomas K. Sullivan, and Susan Brinkmann, OCDS. Speakers will focus on the role of Mary in our lives and how we can bring about the triumph of her Immaculate Heart in our own hearts, and then carry this victory into the world around us. Through us, Our Lady will smite the head of the serpent in our families and our culture.

The retreat will be preceded by the Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women on July 6-7. Siobhan Nash Marshall, professor of philosophy at Manhattanville College, will introduce women to the life and message of the great woman-warrior saint, Joan of Arc, and explain why she is the icon for the 21st Century Catholic woman leader.

Past participants say they walk away from these annual retreats feeling renewed and energized. "It was one of the best weekends of my life!” said one recent attendee.

"Johnnette never fails to inspire and re-energize the women in her care to persevere in their efforts on behalf of Jesus and Our Blessed Lady,” said another.

This year, occurring at such a unique time in the history of our Church, promises to be even more special.

“Having just visited the apparition site of Our Lady of Fatima on pilgrimage this year, my own heart is on fire and eager to share my experience with each of you!” Johnnette said. “This retreat will be a special time overflowing with God's grace and mercy and I pray that ‘every spiritual blessing in the heavens’ will be available to you on this retreat weekend.”

Be renewed! Be inspired! Be with us!

For registration information click here or call 1-800-558-5452.




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