According to Worldpriest, the Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests has become one of the largest gatherings of a world at prayer for one purpose, one prayer, one day. Begun seven years ago by a lay Carmelite named Marion Mulhall, each year the rally draws more and more people around the world who want to share in this “captivating feast of prayer” which now crosses 24 time zones and reaches into every corner of the globe.
The format for the day is a simple one: participating shrines around the world agree to pray a particular mystery of the Rosary at a particular half hour in thanksgiving to God for our priests and to implore the protection and loving care of Our Lady, Mother of all priests, for all her priestly sons. At midnight on the Annual Global Rosary Relay day, which falls on the feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, the entire world, is encircled in prayer for our priests.
This year, a special Global Rosary Relay 'Prelude' will take place at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico on 22 June at 17.00 local time. This prelude of prayer will bring many blessings on Global Rosary Relay day.
An then, as the clock strikes midnight on 23 June and the Feast of the Sacred Heart begins, the Rosary Relay will start at a new shrine in Seoul, the capital of South Korea and work its way from continent to continent, before finishing in the Hermosillo, Sonora State in Mexico twenty-four hours later.
For 2017 there will be new locations as diverse as Iceland, Chile, Peru, Thailand and Hawaii. Many of the participating countries are adding to their list of prayer locations. Japan will have no less than four locations, Guatemala will have three. In Ireland, the Father Payton Memorial Centre at Attymass parish in County Mayo, along with Our Lady of Dublin in Whitefriar Street, in the centee of the capital, are two new Irish locations that will be joining us.
The good news is that the faithful don’t have to live near a participating shrine to become involved in the rally. They can participate wherever they are during those 24 hours.
“In mentioning our newcomers we must also compliment and bless all those Church locations which have participated, year after year, for the past seven years, helping to bring this amazing phenomenon to where it is today,” Mulhall says. “Thanks also must go to the Children's Rosary - a lay prayer movement for children. The Global Rosary Relay for Priests greatly welcomes the participation and prayers of this beautiful organization as the children of the world gather in prayer for our priests.”
Adding to the scale of the 2017 operation will be the effect of social media, including Facebook and Twitter, supplemented by webcams and global television broadcasts from EWTN, who this year will have a live television broadcast from the EWTN chapel in Birmingham, Alabama and another from Lourdes in France, as well as from Hungary and Porto Rico, not to mention television and radio networks joining from other locations.
History has shown that the Rosary can do great things for this world, but it's also one of the most efficacious ways we can pray for ourselves, our loved ones, and our world.
"To be sure, when we pray the Rosary in our personal time of prayer with intentionality and devotion, asking Our Lady to take us into the mysteriies of her Son's life even as we pray for those mysteries to come to life in us, great grace is merited for us," writes Johnnette Benkovic and Thomas K. Sullivan in their new book, The Rosary: Your Weapon for Spiritual Warfare.
Worldpriest estimates that the Global Rosary for Priests will, overall, touch the lives and souls of some 10 million people this year in urban centers and far-flung places on earth, adding a voice of consolation and solace in this troubled world. Be a part of this holy endeavor!
Click here for a full list of participating shrines.
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