Blog Post

Disney Promotes LGBT Agenda to Preschoolers

Doc McStuffinsCommentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Once again, the liberal media is targeting our children. This time, it’s Disney’s show Doc McStuffins, which is aimed at children ages eight and under, that recently featured a family headed by two lesbians. is reporting on the August 5 episode of the Disney Junior show entitled “The Emergency Plan” in which a lesbian couple and their children (a family of dolls) have to flee their home during an earthquake. The so-called purpose of the show was to teach children the importance of having an emergency plan, but which Disney decided to use to employ the typical liberal social engineering plan of indoctrinating youngsters into the LGBT lifestyle.

Not surprising is the fact that one of the episode's authors, Chris Nee, is in a same-sex “marriage” and admitted in an interview several years ago that she’s “definitely” thinking of ways to make Doc McStuffins more pro-gay.

"My son [Theo] has two moms and it's a huge part of my life as a human being and it's been an incredible part of the way that I see the world and the way I see characters and the way I want to create characters who are incredibly accepting of each other and whatever is happening in their life," she said.

"Disney has been happy to celebrate who I am and who my family is and when we talk about how my son is the inspiration of this show we're also talking about my family and my family is my partner Lisa, myself and [son] Theo. Kudos to Disney for that and I think we all know that the world continues to change."

Parents deserve the right to decide what their children are taught about today’s family, and this show definitely crossed the line by sneaking this content into an episode that should have been about teaching children the value of being prepared for an emergency.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time Disney has been caught trying to promote immoral lifestyles to children.

As Million Moms reports, during the finale of Good Luck Charlie in 2014, a family with two moms was showcased as the focal point of the episode. Just this past spring on Disney XC, a Star vs. the Forces of Evil episode featured a boy band concert where several people, including same sex couples, kiss on cue with the music.

As the new boycott campaign states, “It is time to push back and demand that Disney stop introducing and promoting harmful content to our children!”

LifeSite is encouraging parents to send a strong message to Disney that children’s entertainment is no place to promote a harmful sexual political agenda.

Click here to sign the boycott petition.

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