Founded by Johnnette Benkovic of Living His Life Abundantly, Inc.®/Women of Grace®, the Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women is now enrolling women for the 2018 on-line spring semester of the Catholic Women’s Leadership Studies at Holy Apostles College & Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut.
The spring semester, which begins January 15, 2018 and runs through April 27, 2018, will offer two on-line classes: Toward a Catholic Understanding of Women (2 credits) taught by Monica M. Miller,Ph.D; and The Fundamentals of Catholic Servant Leadership (2 credits) taught by Father Joshua Genig, Ph.D.
These credits can be applied toward a non-credit or credit certification, undergraduate or graduate credit hours in Catholic Women's Leadership Studies. Undergraduate credit hours can be applied toward a Bachelor of Arts in Theology. Graduate credit hours can be applied toward a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies degree with a concentration in Catholic Women's Leadership Studies.
“Dr. Miller's course profoundly changed my understanding in several areas: the concept of authority, the mission of Mary, the male/female characteristics of Catholicism, the feminist agenda, etc.,” said one woman who took Dr. Miller’s class in 2016.
“I thank God because your class really has been a catalyst for me in pursuing more of God's grace, to faithfully complete my duties and plan of life.” said another student who completed Father Joshua Genig’s class.
Another student, took a class taught by EWTN’s Father Mitch Pacwa entitled, “Catholic Social Doctrine and Today’s Catholic Woman Leader” which was taught last summer, and was equally amazed by the experience. “Father Mitch is even smarter than he appears on EWTN...GENIUS! He tied past and current history to the encyclicals, which was essential to achieve a deeper understanding. He knows his history. I left with a deeper appreciation for the Petrine office... their wisdom and prophetic abilities.”
No matter which level of endeavor a woman desires, this program will help her attain her goal, and assist her to "help transform the world one woman at a time."
But hurry! The deadline for registering for the spring semester is fast approaching!
For a more detailed description of these courses, and information on how to enroll, click here, call 1-800-558-5452 ext. 2121 or email aibrahim@womenofgrace.com.
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