What is this webinar about?
This webinar will explain the four stages of prayer as taught by St. Teresa of Avila which covers various types of prayer ranging from vocal prayer and meditation to contemplation and transforming union. Most people are not familiar with the various types of prayer that comprise the Catholic tradition so this webinar will be very eye-opening. Each class will include discussion time, a 20 minute lecture, and time to introduce themselves to different styles of prayer.
Who is teaching the course?
The course is being led by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS, a third order Carmelite in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Community of Discalced Carmelite Seculars in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Susan is currently serving as president of her community and as a teacher in the formation program. She has also served as Director of Formation and has been a fully professed member of the order since the year 2000.
Susan and another member of the community have been teaching this course in parishes in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for the last five years.
Is this course for people advanced in prayer or for beginners?
This course is for all people, both beginners and advanced. It not only deals with the various types of prayer and gives people an opportunity to practice them, it confronts many other issues aspects of the life of prayer, such as the “demons of prayer,” the right attitudes for prayer, signs of advancing prayer, how to discern God's voice in prayer, the need for detachment – things all of us need to be reminded of regardless of where we are in our prayer life.
How will we pray together during the class?
About 10-15 minutes will be devoted to prayer exercises during class time so come prepared to pray! You will be led through different forms of prayer ranging from meditation and mental prayer to the practice of the presence of God and contemplation. The class will give you a “taste” of the prayer that you will then be encouraged to practice on your own time. There will also be time to discuss your reactions to, and ask questions about, the different kinds of prayer.
What happens if I have to miss a class?
Participants will be given access to a recording of the class within a week of the broadcast.
Will there be homework?
Yes. Each week participants will be expected to complete a reading and journaling assignment. The reading assignment will introduce students to the writings of St. Teresa as well as other spiritual masters such as Father Thomas Dubay, Father J. P. DeCaussade, Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalene, and others. Students will be instructed on where to access this material online.
How do I connect?
The webinar will be hosted on ZOOM and the link to enter the class will be emailed to all participants prior to the course.
Do I have to connect by video?
No. You can use the phone option if you would prefer not to share your video with the group.
Will there be time for questions and answers?
Yes. Discussion of the homework assignment, including questions and answers, will be a major part of this webinar. We will also take time to comment on the prayer practice sessions.
Where do I sign up?
Click here to register.
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