Blog Post

Using Her Passion to Evangelize

This 26-year-old Catholic woman was having a hard time finding her niche in life when she decided to just let the passion God gave her to create beautiful images lead the way.

I met Stephanie Biller in Castle Rock, Colorado last week at The Deliverance Ministry for Priests and Laity, a conference hosted by the Missionaries of the New Evangelization. She had a table set up in a small alcove off the dining room that was stocked with greeting cards, prints, and small pocket cards full of inspirational messages.

“I am not capable of doing big things, but I want to do everything, even the smallest things, for the greater glory of God,” said a pocket card, quoting St. Dominic Savio.

Another contained the advice of St. Francis de Sales: “Do not lose courage considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them – every day begin the task anew.”

“Never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid,” said St. John Paul II on a large frameable print.

“With God all things are possible,” said one greeting card which was perfect for a friend in need of encouragement.

And all of the designs were of a simple elegance that instantly caught my eye.

Even more intriguing was the young creator of these works of art. In a day and age when so many young Catholics are leaving the Church, this one was unabashedly celebrating her faith in a way meant to be shared with others.

“I always had a love for design and have always struggled to find my niche,” Stephanie told me. “I studied art in school and was a graphic designer for awhile after school. Then I was an art teacher . . .” She paused, adding with a laugh, “I just couldn’t seem to find my fit.”

At the time, creating prints and greeting cards was just something she was doing on the side until one day she realized it ought to be more.

“This is my passion,” she said. “I want to be able to share inspirational things about the faith.”

And she wanted to do it in a very Catholic way. Even the name of her little side business, Gratia Design Company, means “grace.”

“These are all quotes that really inspire me in my life and speak to me very personally,” she said. “They’re from saints and different scriptures. I think in my own unique way I want to share that and do what I love which is creating and designing which is a passion God gave me.”

Stephanie, who is planning to be married in December of this year, is now creating a variety of faith-filled items that can be used to touch the hearts of people of all ages.

While participating in this conference, which was hosted by a dynamic new evangelization ministry, I realized that there is more than one way to evangelize in today’s world. Stephanie is the perfect example of a talented young Catholic woman who’s not afraid to think outside the box when it comes to sharing the faith.

Women like her remind me that the mission of Women of Grace is entirely achievable. We really can transform the world one woman at a time!

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