Blog Post

Don’t Let the Media Define the Case Against Potter

Don’t wait for the media to give you a fair and balanced report on Harry Potter books and why a Catholic pastor from Tennessee decided they weren’t suited for the children in his school. Instead of presenting the priest’s side of the story, the media is using the opportunity to paint Potter foes as a pack of fringe-dwelling fanatics and doing everything in their power to avoid interviewing any of the esteemed experts who have spoken out against these books for fear of tarnishing the luster on their “golden calf” – Harry Potter.

Take some time to educate yourself on the case against Harry Potter. Check out these resources and give yourself the information you need to make a fully informed decision about whether or not children should read Harry Potter books.

1. Perhaps the media is willing to discount the advice of exorcists, such as those who advised Father Daniel Reehil of St. Edward School in Nashville, but these priests have first-hand knowledge of the occult and the damage it can do. Read this account from an exorcist who has had to exorcise three children just for reading the books:

Other exorcists have done so as well.

2. This blog lists several of the main concerns among Christians about the Potter books – all of which are practical, common-sense concerns that are not even remotely “fanatical” or “fringe” as the press is presenting them:

3. That the books will encourage youth to explore witchcraft has been well-substantiated over the years. As we reported recently, even the mainstream media has reported on this, as have polls and other documentation.

How the Media is Spinning the Potter Book Banning Story

Raised on Potter, Millennials Embrace the Occult

4. That Potter is just harmless fiction is a gross understatement that can only be made by people who don’t understand the occult-fiction genre and how it differs from other fantasy-based literature such as the Chronicles of Narnia and J.R. R. Tolkien’s work. This blog explains the vast difference between these two styles.

This blog explains how the genre of occult-fiction has exploded since the advent of Harry Potter.

5. It’s not just the books that are wooing children into the occult. As this blog details, the multi-billion dollar Potter franchise is utilizing various modes of entertainment to introduce children to Potter’s magic.

EWTN’s Women of Grace® show has also broadcast several series with experts who outline the dangers of Harry Potter. You can read about them here and here.

Don’t let the media tell you how to think! Get your own information and use it to educate yourself, your family and your friends. They may not agree, but they can certainly learn how to respect your point-of-view for being what it is – a combination of faith and good old common sense.

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