Blog Post

Ten Ideas for Lent

Lent begins tomorrow. Have you considered what your Lent is going to look like? Will you give something up? Will you take something up?

It is important that we pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us. If we are obedient to His promptings, our Lent can bear much fruit in our souls, as we prepare to experience Christ's passion more deeply.

In God's wisdom, He gives us 40 days to prepare ourselves for the glorious Feast of Easter. Coincidentally, that's almost the exact amount of time that it takes to build a good habit.

There are so many great opportunities to grow in holiness. Here are 10 ideas for you to prayerfully consider:

  1. Go to daily mass (if you don't already).
  2. Resolve to pray the Rosary every day (we LOVE this idea!).
  3. Incorporate the Liturgy of the Hours somewhere in your daily routine.
  4. Give up a certain food group or, if you're healthy enough, fast from one meal per day, several times a week.
  5. Pick a great book for spiritual reading.
  6. Participate in an online or face-to-face study that takes place over the Lenten season.
  7. Give up some form of media. Couldn't we all use less of the news, Facebook, Instagram, etc., and use that extra time for quiet prayer and reflection?
  8. Read Sacred Scripture every day, particularly the readings on the Passion of Jesus.
  9. Go to weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Spending time alone in Christ's presence is one of the best ways you can grow closer to Him.
  10. Practice the Corporal of Mercy by focusing on one each week.
    • Feed the hungry.
    • Give water to the thirsty.
    • Clothe the naked.
    • Shelter the homeless.
    • Visit the sick.
    • Visit the imprisoned, or ransom the captive.
    • Bury the dead.
These Lenten mortifications can be inspiring, yet practical ways to make room in our hearts for virtue to grow. We do not want to miss an ounce of the grace that Our Lord desires to give us during the Lenten season. May we persevere together.

Grant, O Lord, to Thy faithful people that they may begin the venerable solemnities of fasting with becoming piety, and may persevere to the end with steadfast devotion Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen. (From 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal)

Women of Grace has made several Lenten opportunities available to you. There is still time for you to join any one (or more) of them.

Please include praying the weekly Women of Grace Rosary Crusade with us for your Lent. Perhaps you can invite at least one friend to pray with us. Together, let's transform the world for Christ!


Click the image below to join and if you've already registered, you should receive a reminder link directly from Zoom. Please be sure to share the information below with your friends and family!





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