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Planned Parenthood Report Shows Drop in Care to Low Income Women

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist In spite of its aggressive campaign to convince lawmakers who want to defund them that they provide health services to low income women, a new report on Planned Parenthood facilities in the U.S. has found that they have actually cut back these services in the past year. According to a press release from the American Life League (ALL), their 2010 Report on Planned Parenthood Facilities in the U.S. reveals some stark contrasts to what is appearing in the media and being discussed in budget debates on Capitol Hill. “Planned Parenthood just spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a media campaign to convince lawmakers that its primary concern is providing health services to lower income women,” said ALL vice president Jim Sedlak. “But the numbers don’t support that.  Even with record revenues each year that now top $1.1 billion, Planned Parenthood pulled out of disadvantaged communities last year at a record pace.” Planned Parenthood’s own statistics show that its total income increased 24.7 percent, including a 33 percent increase in government grants and contracts, since 2005.  Meanwhile, the facilities report reveals the opposite trend: 87 clinics have been closed since 2005 with net closings of 31 in 2010 alone.  At the same time it increased its surgical and medical abortion facilities by 40 percent – from 229 in 2005 to 321 at the end of 2010. Sedlak says,  “Planned Parenthood is concerned with consolidating its business structure, and aggressively growing market share of the abortion business to offset declining abortions nationwide, not serving disadvantaged populations—unless it can make a profit.” From a record high of 938 clinics operated by 158 affiliates in 1995, Planned Parenthood closed approximately ten clinics each year, ending 2010 with just 785 operated by only 86 affiliates. The complete report can be found at 2010 Report on Planned Parenthood Facilities in the United States. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®