For this reason, in the month of October, we want to blitz the nation with our "Election Initiative,” an effort to inform as many Women of Grace® facilitators, participants, and friends, past and present, with Church teaching on key issues – and to encourage them to contact everyone in their spheres of influence with the same. And then, to invite those individuals to follow in like manner. We see the gift of social media as a perfect way to disseminate information.
We have created a "Take Action - Election Initiative" area on our GracePlace page, where we have made several key resources available for free. We would like you to read and share these materials as widely as possible through your networks including e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Along with these materials, we are executing a social media campaign which we ask that you also share with your contacts. For a more detailed action plan, contact us at
If you are not already, please follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter for all of the latest updates at the addresses below:
These are unprecedented times. God is giving us unprecedented grace. May we respond with the heart of the Woman of Grace – Mary – and give our unequivocal “fiat!”
With joy and hope in Our Lord and Savior, I faithfully remain…
Your Sister in Christ, Johnnette