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Abortion Now 4th Leading Cause of Death in US

Record high abortion numbers which were revealed in Planned Parenthood’s recently released annual report has put abortion into the top four leading causes of death in the US after heart disease, cancer, and COVID-19.

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Planned Parenthood Rolls Out “RV Abortions”

In spite of a record 500 percent increase in the number of complications related to chemical abortion drugs, Planned Parenthood is planning to open a mobile abortion clinic in southern Illinois where they will dispense abortion pills to women out of a roaming RV where no follow up care is provided.

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CA Aims to Make Students “Walking Billboards” for Abortion Industry

Two new laws that are currently moving through California’s state legislature will mandate that a “sexual or reproductive health hotline” number be printed on all student IDs and that public colleges in the state provide chemical abortion services to students.

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CA Supreme Court Suspends Baby Parts Hearing

A preliminary hearing involving the pro-life videographer who published videos of abortion industry executives bartering for aborted baby body parts has been “suspended until further notice” by the California Supreme Court on the grounds of political bias and selective prosecution.

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Inside Planned Parenthood: The Grisly Details

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

As the public debate over the rise of extreme abortion policies reaches a feverish pitch in the U.S., more former Planned Parenthood employees are coming forward to tell a damning tale about the ghoulish work that goes on inside these clinics.

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Kavanaugh Disappoints on Planned Parenthood Ruling

In what is being hailed as a big win for the abortion industry and a disappointment for pro-life citizens, Justice Brett Kavanaugh sided with the liberal wing of the Supreme Court in refusing to hear a case concerning state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood.

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Pro-Life Videographer Takes Planned Parenthood to Supreme Court

David Daleiden of The Center for Medical Progress, the pro-life videographer who caught members of the abortion industry in the act of trafficking baby parts from aborted fetuses, has petitioned the Supreme Court to throw out a Planned Parenthood lawsuit aimed at retaliating against him and keeping his evidence out of the public eye.

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The Deadly Tenure of Cecile Richards to End Soon

                                             Cecile Richards (YouTube)

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

On this feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, we’re reminded that God can convert even the hardest hearts. We can only hope this will be the case with Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood, who is planning to step down after 12 years overseeing a company that has cost the life of more than seven million Americans.

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Planned Parenthood Now Under Federal Investigation

It's official! After a month of speculation following a request by the FBI for unredacted documents pertaining to a Congressional investigation of Planned Parenthood, Justice Department officials have now confirmed that they are officially investigating Planned Parenthood’s practices concerning the sale of fetal tissue.

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Feminists Continue to Endanger Women’s Health

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

The latest move by Planned Parenthood, in conjunction with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), to force the state of Maine to allow non-doctors to perform abortions, is just another example of how feminists are putting women’s lives at risk.

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