LM writes: "I listen to your show as often as I can. I am concerned though that I may not be doing the right thing watching a show called The Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel."
Blog Posts
"I-Dosing" on Binaural Beats can Produce a Hellish High
What are Soul Ties
What is an Empath?
Who Was Maria Montessori?
Rumors have abounded for many years that Maria Montessor, the founder of the Montessori method of education, was a theosophist. In truth, she did have an association with theosophists while interned in India during World War II, but this was at the end of her life and after her teaching methods and schools were already well established.
What to Do When a Librarian Stuffs the Parish Library with New Age Books
TS asks: "I am a volunteer in our Parish Library and am causing trouble by respectfully and carefully questioning why we allow certain authors in our 'Catholic' library. The librarian is a very recent convert and has said that if the Vatican has not excommunicated the authors, then their books must be OK. And the pastor is very liberal and was a good friend of the 'centering prayer' priest, Fr. Menninger. I've researched to try to find something that lists specific books because the librarian will only believe that. She says which of the books and I say all, but she won't go for that. I am concerned about Matthew Fox, Anthony DeMello, etc., but especially the new age believers like Joyce Rupp, Joan C.... and those. What should I do?"
Can Catholics Wear Tie Dyed Clothing?
Anonymous asks: “I recently purchased some clothing, with the tie dye on them. Sometimes, I think they are strange designs that don't make sense on the clothing. I googled tie dye to know if there are any spiritual origins to the tie design and apparently there can be in certain cultures. Is this true or am I overthinking?”
Take a Look at All These Water Scams!
What if Artificial Intelligence Becomes Evil?
Are Anne Rice Books Okay to Read?
NT writes: "Not sure if you can help me, but I'm having a difficult time discerning if Christ The Lord Out of Egypt by Anne Rice is a good book to read? It's was selected by my parish book club."