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Grass Roots Effort Prevents Planned Parenthood Funding

by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer (June 23, 2008) A grass roots effort by citizens against funding Planned Parenthood is being cited as the reason why lawmakers killed an amendment to the 2008 War Supplemental Bill that would have given Planned Parenthood facilities discounted drugs at taxpayer expense.  The amendment, sponsored by Democratic Senators Patty Murray, Herb Kohl and Tom Harkin, would have allowed certain Planned Parenthood clinics and university healthcare centers to get drugs such as birth control and “morning after” pills at a discount. Public outrage resulted in so many letters and e-mails sent to lawmakers that the U.S. House of Representatives stripped the amendment from the bill just before passing it on June 19. The combined efforts by Republican Congressmen John Boehner and Roy Blunt, along with other pro-life supporters, helped scrap the provision. “This bill is a real victory,” Boehner said in a press release. “It gets our troops the funding they need for success – without hamstringing our commanders in the field with politically-motivated war restrictions. . . It also does not include billions in unrelated wasteful Washington pork that was added by Senate Democrats,” the congressman added, referring to the stripped amendment. Had the provision not been removed, Planned Parenthood would have made a hefty profit on these drugs. Marie Hahnenburg of the American Life League explained that Planned Parenthood currently buys birth-control pills for $2 for a month’s supply, then sells them for $18 to $30. “Why does this organization need any more of our tax dollar,” Hahnenburg asked. "It makes no sense. They're out to kill our babies and sexualize our young people. This organization must be stopped. They should not be receiving any of our dollars.” Thankfully, enough citizens agreed and took the time to voice their concerns to make sure the amendment was scrapped. “Our troops need funding, and their bill should not be loaded up with benefits for Planned Parenthood,” said Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America. “Planned Parenthood already receives over $300 million in funding from federal, state and local governments. In 2006, Planned Parenthood reported a record revenue of $112 million. CWA is pleased this bill funds our troops instead of lining the already inflated pockets of Planned Parenthood." © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.