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Planned Parenthood Reports Record Profit & Abortions

The latest annual report for Planned Parenthood for fiscal year 2011 to 2012 reports a record amount of taxpayer funding and number of abortions, with its much touted cancer screening and women's health care services dropping by 12 percent.

According to the annual report, Planned Parenthood performed a record number of 333,964 abortions in 2011. This exceeds the 332,278 abortions performed in 2009 and the 329,445 in 2010. With a combined total of 995,687, the nation's largest abortion provider killed nearly one million Americans in the last three years.

At the same time, the organization received a record $542 million in taxpayer funding, which amounts to 45 percent of their annual revenue.

“While government subsidies to Planned Parenthood have reached an all time high, so too has the number of lives ended by this profit-driven abortion business,” Susan B. Anthony (SBA) List President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement. “Destroying nearly one million children in three years is not health care and does not reflect a concern for vulnerable women and girls.”

The SBA has provided the following analysis of the annual report:

• During fiscal year 2011-2012, Planned Parenthood reported receiving a record $542 million in taxpayer funding2 in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements. Taxpayer funding consists of 45% of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue.

• In 2011, Planned Parenthood performed a record high 333,964 abortions.

• Over the past three reported years (2009-2011), Planned Parenthood has performed nearly one million abortions (995,687).

• Planned Parenthood reported a total of three million clients in 2011, meaning that 11% of all Planned Parenthood clients received an abortion.

• In 2011, abortions made up 92% of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services, while prenatal care and adoption referrals accounted for only 7% (28,674) and 0.6% (2,300), respectively. For every adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performed 145 abortions.

• Cancer screening & prevention services and contraceptive services provided by Planned Parenthood continue to drop. Contraceptive services have dropped by 12% since 2009, and cancer screening & prevention services have dropped by 29%.

• Planned Parenthood reported $87.4 million in excess revenue, and more than $1.2 billion in net assets.

“As if these numbers weren’t already horrifying, Planned Parenthood has upped the ante even further by mandating that all affiliates provide abortions beginning this year," Dannenfelser adds.

"Americans are sick and tired of underwriting the nation’s largest abortion business. We call on Congress to immediately investigate and defund Planned Parenthood.”

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