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Planned Parenthood Rolls Out “RV Abortions”

In spite of a record 500 percent increase in the number of complications related to chemical abortion drugs, Planned Parenthood is planning to open a mobile abortion clinic in southern Illinois where they will dispense abortion pills to women out of a roaming RV where no follow up care is provided.

NPR is reporting on the abortion giant’s latest gimmick, a mobile clinic that will offer consultations and dispense abortion pills to women. The clinic will be set up inside an RV and include a small waiting area, a lab, and two exam rooms. Although it will operate in the state of Illinois where abortion is legal, it will park itself in areas close to border of states where abortion is banned.

Plans are to initially provide chemical abortion drugs up to 11-weeks gestation, but to eventually offer surgical abortions in the RV beginning sometime next year.

"Our goal is to reduce the hundreds of miles that people are having to travel now in order to access care...and meet them where they are," said Yamelsie Rodriguez, President of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, said in an interview with NPR. "It gives us a lot of flexibility about where to be."

Dr. Colleen McNicholas, chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood in the region, told NPR that patients using the RV clinic will follow the same protocol as women visiting a permanent facility. First, they take the mifepristone, which is the first of a two-drug protocol, on-site. They are then offered counseling about the second drug, misoprostol, which will be taken later.

"The only thing that will change is the fact that now they might only have to drive five hours instead of nine hours," Dr. McNicholas said.

However, as Micaiah Bilger of Life News reports, the RV concept changes another very important part of the procedure – follow up care.

“[O]ne problem that has not received much attention is what will happen to mothers who suffer abortion complications after visiting a mobile abortion facility. There was no mention of follow-up appointments or care for complications in any of the three major news outlet reports about Planned Parenthood’s new abortion RV.”

Studies indicate that abortion complications are much more common than what abortion activists often claim, Bilger reports, with the overall incidence of adverse events being four-fold higher in chemical abortions compared with surgical abortions.  Another study involving a large cohort of 10,000 women found that one in 17 experienced complications after a chemical abortion compared to a surgical procedure.

“Abortion drugs are dangerous and can be deadly for the mother as well as her unborn baby,” Bilger writes. “In the United States, the FDA has linked mifepristone to at least 26 women’s deaths and 4,000 serious complications between 2000 and 2018. However, under President Barack Obama, the FDA stopped requiring that non-fatal complications from mifepristone be reported. So the numbers almost certainly are much higher.”

Once again, the abortion industry has found a new way to cash in on the lucrative “reproductive health” market in the US where women’s health and well-being takes second place to profit.

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