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Seven Former Workers to Testify Against Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood's bottom line may soon be taking a major hit as seven former clinic workers, including an abortion doctor, have agree to testify that the abortion giant used federal money for abortions despite this being forbidden by law.

According to US News and World Report, the seven workers sent a letter to the House committee investigating Planned Parenthood to say they know of the organizations misappropriation of funds as well as other illegal activities such as failing to notify parents when a minor sought an abortion, and to take action when women were coerced into having abortions.

"We are of one mind that the extent of these problems with the organization is not fully understood by the American people, who are underwriting the growth of Planned Parenthood and its potent outreach to the young and the poor," said the seven in the letter circulated to Congress by the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life organization.

The Congressional committee probing allegations that Planned Parenthood is misusing taxpayer funds recently demanded documents from the organization related to audits, abortion funding, and policies on reporting sexual abuse. The outcome of the investigation could result in stripping Planned Parenthood of all taxpayer funds.

"It is a matter of public record that the affiliates of PPFA and its national headquarters receive roughly $1 million per day in federal-state support, for a total of $1 billion or more in any three-year period," said the seven workers in the letter.

"This alone would merit close government attention as to whether or not these funds are being spent appropriately and, specifically, in keeping with the federal law which stipulates that none of these funds should be made available to a program in which abortion is used as a means of family planning. We can state categorically, from personal experience, that abortion is indeed deployed as a means of family planning according to the mission of the organization for which we once worked."

Their letter listed five areas of concern where they say Planned Parenthood staff failed to:

• "Properly account for and maintain separation between government funds prohibited from use for elective abortions and those funds derived from other sources that are not subject to such limitations."

• "Notify parents when a vulnerable girl is seeking an abortion, including instances when the minor girl is the victim of an act of statutory rape under applicable state law."

• "Provide a woman undergoing an abortion with accurate and relevant information regarding the stage of her pregnancy, including the opportunity to view ultrasound imagery that may have made a profound impact on her decision to undergo an abortion."

•  "Detect and act upon instances where a girl or woman was brought to the clinic under some degree of coercion, up to and including instances where the girl or woman was subjected to human trafficking and was a victim of crime."

• "Engage in appropriate financial controls and billing practices to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws."

The signers of the letter include Dr. Patti Giebink, a former abortion doctor at Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, as well as former clinic directors, managers and employees.

Pro-life activist and blogger Jill Stanek called this latest development "Planned Parenthood's worst nightmare" and was not surprised when the organization flatly denied all of the charges.

“The word about Planned Parenthood’s abuses is getting out,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelse to LifeSiteNews.  “In state after state, Planned Parenthood is engaged in financial malfeasance, exposing teenagers to harm, exploiting women and killing the unborn, all with the aid of millions in taxpayer dollars. These brave former employees know this must stop.”

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