With New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan heard laughing in the background, President Barack Obama and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney traded barbs at the controversial Al Smith dinner.
Writing on the feast of St. Maximiliam Kolbe, New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan published a response to the criticism he is receiving over inviting President Barack Obama to the annual Catholic Charities fundraiser known as The Al Smith Dinner.
The leader of the largest grass roots pro-life organization in America has published an open letter to New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan asking him to rescind his invitation to President Barack Obama to speak at the annual Al Smith Dinner in October.
The controversy over President Obama's invitation to speak at a Catholic Charities fundraiser in October took a new turn yesterday when an employee of the Archdiocese weighed in with a more detailed explanation of the even in question.
Catholic leaders are weighing in on a decision by Cardinal Timothy Dolan to allow President Barack Obama to speak at the annual Al Smith dinner, with many calling the invitation disappointing and disturbing.