August 15
Feast of the Assumption
Who is she that ascends so high,
Next the Heavenly King,
Round about whom Angels fly
And her praises sing?
Who is she that, adorned with light,
Makes the sun her robe,
At whose feet the queen of night
Lays her changing globe?
To that crown direct their eyes,
Which her head attires;
There thou mayest her name descry
Writ in starry fires.
This is she in whose pure womb
Heaven’s Prince remained;
Therefore in no earthly tomb
Can she be contained.
Heaven she was, which held that fire,
Whence the world took light,
And to Heaven doth now aspire
Flames with flames t’ unite.
She that did so clearly shine
When our day begun,
See how bright her beams decline
Now she sits with the Sun.
-Sir John Beaumont (1583 – 1627)
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