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Month of the Holy Rosary: Reflections on the Glorious Mysteries

by Theresa Cavicchio

The Mysteries of the Rosary close out in a blaze of glory, in keeping with the spiritually powerful events they signify. Elevating our spirits to the interplay between heaven and earth, they lift us outside the realm of strictly human experience. The Glorious Mysteries traditionally are prayed on Sunday and Wednesday.

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Queen of Heaven

August 15

August 15

Feast of the Assumption

 Who is she that ascends so high,

Next the Heavenly King,

Round about whom Angels fly

And her praises sing?

Who is she that, adorned with light,

Makes the sun her robe,

At whose feet the queen of night

Lays her changing globe?

To that crown direct their eyes,

Which her head attires;

There thou mayest her name descry

Writ in starry fires.

This is she in whose pure womb

Heaven’s Prince remained;

Therefore in no earthly tomb

Can she be contained.

Heaven she was, which held that fire,

Whence the world took light,

And to Heaven doth now aspire

Flames with flames t’ unite.

She that did so clearly shine

When our day begun,

See how bright her beams decline

Now she sits with the Sun.

                                    -Sir John Beaumont (1583 – 1627)

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The Assumption is an Antidote to Reincarnation

The Catholic News Agency (CNA) is reporting that during his homily on the Feast of the Assumption, Bishop Munilla of San Sebastian, Spain, said the dogma of the Assumption is "an antidote to beliefs in reincarnation" because it reminds us that death produces the separation of body and soul, but at the same time underscores that "faith in our resurrection at the end of time is the greatest characteristic of Christian hope."

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