Blog Posts
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Atheist Sues Restaurant over Church Bulletin Discount
The long tradition of giving discounts to customers who respond to advertisements in Sunday Church bulletins is under attack by a Pennsylvania atheist who filed a discrimination complaint against the practice.
Atheists Target Mother Teresa Stamp
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
An atheist organization is protesting U.S. Postal Service plans to circulate a stamp featuring Mother Teresa , claiming it violates postal regulations against honoring people whose achievements are affiliated with religion.
Atheists Staging Bizarre “De-Baptism” Rites
By Susan Brinkmann ,OCS
Staff Writer
In a ceremony designed to mock Christian baptism, atheist organizations in at least four states have begun to stage de-baptism and de-sacrament ceremonies to “liberate” members from their former beliefs.
States Fight to Keep God in Inauguration Ceremony
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
A bipartisan coalition of Attorneys General representing all 50 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands has taken legal action to defend the constitutionality of prayer during the upcoming presidential inauguration.
How the Faithful Voted in 2008
By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
In the 2008 election, it was evangelicals and born-again Christians along with regular church-goers who pray and/or read the Bible daily who voted overwhelmingly for John McCain. Just about everyone else voted for Obama.
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