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Bishops Mourn Victims of Texas Shooting

The U.S. Bishops have issued a statement calling the faithful to prayer after the August 31 shooting incident in Midland and Odessa, Texas that left seven dead and wounded 22 others, including a 17-month-old baby. This shooting marks the 18th mass shooting in the U.S. in 2019.

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US Bishops Mourn Those Slain in Synagogue

This weekend’s horrific massacre of eleven innocent people who were gathered in prayer in a synagogue in Pittsburgh to celebrate the birth of a child has sparked grief and outrage in the hearts of all believers.

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US Bishops Demanding Answers Are Meeting With Pope Tomorrow

The Vatican Press Office has announced that Pope Francis will meet on Thursday with American bishops who are insisting upon a full investigation of questions surrounding the sex abuse case involving Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, including what the Vatican knew and when it became aware of his abuses.

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Bishops: No Litmus Test for SCOTUS Nominee!

In anticipation of tonight’s announcement about who will be nominated to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat, the U.S. Bishops have sent a letter to the U.S. Senate expressing strong objections to subjecting judicial nominees to a litmus test in support of Roe v. Wade, or to using a nominee’s faith as a proxy for their views on the country’s most controversial ruling.

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“Kayak Priest” Embodies Faithful’s Response to Hurricane Victims

A young priest from Houston is using his kayak to get around the stricken city of Houston as Hurricane Harvey continues to pummel southern Texas with epic amounts of rainfall, embodying the support that is pouring in from the faithful across the U.S.

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US Bishops Denounce Charlottesville Violence

31535457_sThe U.S. Conference of Bishops is vigorously condemning the violent protests that occurred this weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia that left three dead and injured at least 19, and are asking the faithful to pray for an end to the evil ideologies that brought about the carnage.

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Thousands Brave Bitter Cold to Stand for Life

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist Despite being the coldest day of the winter thus far, tens of thousands of Americans jammed the streets of Washington yesterday to stand for life with newly elected pro-life lawmakers promising support for life while the nation's president used the occasion to recommit himself to abortion.

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U.S. Bishops Want ObamaCare Revised

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist As the vote to repeal the vastly unpopular health care reform law gets underway in the House today, the U.S. Bishops have sent a letter to all members of Congress saying they do not intend to join efforts to either support or oppose repeal of ObamaCare, but will "devote our efforts to correcting serious moral problems in the current law."

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US Bishops Back Bill to Prevent All Federal Funding of Abortion

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The U.S. Bishops are backing the efforts of 166 U.S. Representatives who are seeking approval of the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act” (H.R. 5939) that will permanently ban all federal funding of abortions.

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Pro-Abortion Groups Enraged by HHS Clarification of Abortion Coverage in ObamaCare

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) infuriated pro-abortion groups when it took steps last week to implement a ban on funding abortions in state high-risk insurance pools under the new health care law after a national pro-life group exposed a loophole in the law.

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