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Young Women of Grace Speak Up . . . From Trinidad!

(L/R) Emily Pouchet, Anna-Maria Williams, Vianney Williams, with Johnnette (L/R) Emily Pouchet, Anna-Maria Williams, Vianney Williams, with Johnnette

Despite being less than six months since it's official launch, Young Women of Grace is already making its way around the world. Riding on the wings of the Holy Spirit, it was brought to Trinidad where several young women took the course this summer and weren't shy about telling us what they thought about it!

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Thank You from a Young Woman of Grace

This young Woman of Grace isn't shy about sharing her enthusiasm for the new Young Women of Grace program. She is bubbling over with excitement about the course and what a difference it is making in her life. Let us keep all of these precious young women in our prayers as they open their hearts and minds to this life-changing - and very counter-cultural - message.

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Premature Sexualization Harms Girls

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer A new study by British researchers confirms earlier studies that found the premature sexualization of young girls is harmful to their mental well-being. The study concluded that the pressure on girls to look and act older than their age is creating a “generation under stress.”

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