RS writes: "
I am reading self-help books about personal safety. The books stress the importance of intuition. Problem is, I had an intuition that the safety of my child was compromised but when I asked the (very young, not easy to converse with age) child they said nothing happened. But what about what my intuition said? I'm in such a worry. Is intuition real? Is it a God given thing? Since we are not perfect and don't know everything, how can my intuition or gut tell me things? Where did the use of 'mother's intuition' begin? Is intuition new age?"
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JA asks: "
My sil was telling me as a fact, that when you meet someone, they give off an 'energy.' I have heard of this in the past, like someone who would have a personality type, say negative, joyful, friendly, grumpy, etc. Now it seems the wording is changing to reflect the new age code word of 'energy.' Is this de-sensitizing people to the new age? Is it in direct conflict with Christianity to assume people give off energy?"
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