TC writes: "
I have a question about Bach Flower Remedies. I am trying to find out if these remedies are considered New Age. I have a few books book about them which state that it “treats the individual not the symptoms / or disease. They work on an emotional condition of the person concerned.” “The effect of taking the remedies is not to suppress negative attitudes but transforms them into positive ones, stimulating self-healing.” Can you let me know what the Church teaches about this product?"
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(Image courtesy of Wesley Fryer at Wikicommons)
People write to us all the time with questions about the various energy medicine techniques – from Reiki to tai chi and everything in between – so I decided to write a general overview of energy medicine that can provide additional details for those who wish to learn more.
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CL writes: "A couple of people I know are considering a session with a gentleman (Yefim Shubentsov) known as the 'Mad Russian' (hypnotist?) in Brookline, MA to help quit smoking (bioenergetics?). I wanted to know how this stands in the eyes of the Catholic Church."
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