As all regular readers of this blog know, we receive many questions about children's books in which the characters use sorcery in one way or another. In an effort to help Christian parents and educators learn how to discern whether or not this content is suitable for children, I would like to post insights from Michael O'Brien's book,
Harry Potter and the Paganization of Culture and other useful sources which I hope they will find useful.
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It was only a year ago, just before COVID-19 was unleashed upon the world, when Pope Francis warned the faithful not to trust in magic and psychics for guidance – so why are so many people turning to psychics in record numbers during this frightening time when they should be turning to God instead?
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AS asks:
"I would appreciate an article from you on your blog about Harry Potter to share with people."
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AK asks: "
My 8 yr old son is just dying to play a video game called "Skylander". My first impression after about 1 minute of looking at a you tube trailer online for it was that it was "new age". . .
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Journalist
The last month has seen a number of news stories about occult rituals being linked to the torture and murder of women and children.
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
A surprisingly positive review of the latest Harry Potter film in
L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican’s newspaper, is causing yet another round of controversy for the paper’s embattled new editor.
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By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Staff Writer
In spite of efforts by practitioners and the media to improve the image of modern witchcraft in movies and popular books such as Harry Potter, a recent poll found that a majority of Americans, including youth, have an unfavorable view of these practices.
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