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12 Year-Old Dies After Receiving Gardasil Vaccine

Meredith Prohaska Meredith Prohaska

The parents of a healthy, active, 12 year-old girl from Wisconsin who collapsed and died five hours after receiving the Gardasil vaccine, are demanding answers from authorities about the cause of their daughter's death.

The Daily Mail is reporting on the tragic story of Meredith Prohaska who collapsed and died in her home on July 30.

According to her mother, Rebecca Prohaska, she took her daughter to the doctor earlier that day because she was complaining about a sore throat. While they were there, which was sometime between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m., she agreed to allow Meredith to get the first of the three required shots of the Gardasil vaccine. Mrs. Prohaska says she vaguely remembers getting a handout about possible side effects.

Gardasil was created to protect mostly women from several strains of the human papillomavirus, which is spread through sexual contact, and can cause certain cancers. Since it was fast-tracked through the FDA process in 2006, there have been thousands of adverse events reported and more than 100 deaths are believed to be associated with the vaccine.

“Thirty minutes later she was trying to sleep. I kept waking her up,” Mrs. Prohaska told Fox 6.

She left the house to run an errand around 3:30 and was gone for about a half hour. When she came home, Meredith was lying face down on the living room floor. She had vomited, her lips were purple, and she wasn't breathing.

Mrs. Prohaska, who served for 14 years as an EMT for the National Guard, immediately called 911 then began to perform CPR on her daughter.

Meredith was rushed to the hospital where doctors were unable to revive her and she was pronounced dead. Doctors have no explanation for why a healthy, fit young girl like Meredith could suddenly drop dead.

"It was the hardest thing when they called and said they don’t know. There was no reason. She was the healthiest 12-year-old," Mrs Prohaska told the Journal-Sentinel.

Rebecca and her husband, Mark, believe the vaccine may be to blame.

“It has to be that vaccine,” Mark Prohaska told Fox6. "I’m a tough guy. I can take a beating - but this has ripped a hole in my heart."

The family is waiting for toxicology reports that might reveal some other cause of death, but this could take months. Until then, they're desperately searching for answers as to why their healthy daughter died so suddenly.

Fox6 interviewed Dr. Geoffrey Swain of the local health department who gave the typical government response to a sudden death that could be linked to Gardasil.

"Vaccines in general and the HPV vaccine in particular, are very, very safe. It’s a very safe vaccine and very effective," Dr. Swain said.

Not according to the public. Just after news broke about Meredith's death, a mother calledFox6 to report a similar story about a frightening adverse reaction her daughter suffered after receiving Gardasil. Thankfully, her daughter survived. The article is followed by numerous comments from people who report the same problems with this controversial vaccine.

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