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Be grateful

November 23
"You can’t go to Heaven hating somebody. Forgive now. Be compassionate now. Be patient now. Be grateful now. Love Jesus and Mary now.
Accept God’s will now."
-Mother Angelica
Today's Reflection:
In this Thanksgiving week, with Advent beginning soon, who do you need to forgive?

If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE

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I love you

May 9
"I love you and pray for all of you as if you were my own, and you are.
To young kids, I'm a grandmother, to others a mother, to most of you a nun, and to all of you a friend. God loves you."
-Mother Angelica
Today’s Reflection:
Mother Angelica was spiritual mother to all. Ask God to show you today how He wants you to answer the call to spiritual motherhood today.

If you enjoy Daily Gracelines, please prayerfully consider making a donation to support and sustain our apostolate so that we may continue to provide this and all of our resources designed to nourish and grow your Catholic faith. DONATE

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Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Mother Angelica



This week we join the entire EWTN Family in remembering and celebrating the most extraordinary life of Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation on this, the one year anniverary of her death.
EWTN will have a special week of programming honoring Mother Angelica's life, remembering her legacy, and praying for the eternal repose of her soul.
For your convenience, we offer you these helpful links so that you may fully participate in all of these events:
Mother Angelica's Memorial Website:
EWTN Family Celebration in tribute to EWTN Foundress, Mother Mary Angelica:
Schedule of Event Programming:
EWTN Channel Finder:
EWTN Youtube Channel:
Rest in peace dear Mother Angelica, good and faithful servant and bride of Christ.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.  And let the perpetual light shine upon her. And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.In His Service,
Johnnette's Signature
Johnnette S. Benkovic


















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Don’t Look for the Living Among the Dead

This is a beautiful tribute to Mother Angelica that was shared by our friend and Women of Grace Television guest, Kathy Labosh.

by Kathy Labosh

Jerusalem - icon of Resurrection from Church of Holy Sepulchre
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – MARCH 3, 2015: The icon of Resurrection from Church of the Holy Sepulchre by unknown artist.
On Easter Sunday, a very dear nun, Mother Angelica passed away.  She has been in my living room off and on for years on her EWTN television show. Her words were often opportune.  However since her death, she seems to have come in a whole new way. EWTN is running clips of her all day and she has been speaking directly into my world.

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