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Catholic Schools Experiencing a Boon in Enrollments

The onset of COVID-19, increased animosity toward parents in public schools, and growth in the number of school choice policies, are combining into an historic increase in Catholic school enrollments across the country.

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Parental Authority and Gender Dysphoria in Children

The case of a Texas boy whose mother wants him to be treated as a girl against his father’s will, has raised many thorny issues, not least of which is the proper role of parental authority when it comes to addressing gender dysphoria in children.

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School Hosts LGBT Fair Without Parents’ Knowledge

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Angry parents descended upon a Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) board meeting last week to express their outrage that an LGBT Fair complete with people in drag giving middle-schoolers make-up lessons, was hosted without their consent.

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“Day of Silence” Activities Get School District in Legal Trouble

The East Penn School District has gotten itself into trouble after parents complained that their children were shown videos promoting homosexuality and gender dysphoria on the “Day of Silence” without their permission.

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Parental Rights At Risk in Transgender Cases

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

In the battle to win “equality” for children struggling with gender identity, state governments are becoming increasingly prone to intervene in ways that have cost one couple custody of their child while another state is considering a bill that will allow children as young as five to determine their own sex and race.

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Transgender “Reveal” in Kindergarten Class Outrages Parents

48849376 - parent taking child to pre schoolParents of students in a kindergarten class at Rocklin Academy in Rocklin California turned out for a school board meeting earlier this week to express their outrage over a transgender “reveal” ceremony that took place in a class late last year and left many children confused and frightened.

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Hope from Heaven: Charlie Gard Foundation Set to Launch

charlies_fight_logo-newLess than a month after 11-month-old Charlie Gard passed away, his parents have announced that they are about to launch a foundation aimed at helping other children with mitochondrial and other rare childhood diseases.

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Senate Poised to Vote Tomorrow on Dangerous UN Treaty

Pro-family groups across the nation are asking all citizens to call their Senators today and ask them to vote against ratification of The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), a treaty that represents a grave threat to U.S. sovereignty, parental rights and the well-being of disabled children.

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California Law Forbids Parents From Changing Child's Sexual Orientation

In a move that is causing outrage across the nation, the state of California is on the verge of passing a law that will outlaw all sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) for minors, making it illegal for even parents to seek treatment for their child.

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