Blog Post

School Hosts LGBT Fair Without Parents’ Knowledge

Commentary by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

Angry parents descended upon a Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) board meeting last week to express their outrage that an LGBT Fair complete with people in drag giving middle-schoolers make-up lessons, was hosted without their consent.

According to Townhall’s Kira Davis, California recently passed a controversial public school sex ed curriculum which was pushed by activist groups and rammed through the state assembly without parental involvement or approval. As schools begin to implement the new program, the details of which have been kept intentionally vague, episodes such as the one that took place at this particular Santa Ana middle school are about to become much more frequent.

“The ACLU has begun sending out lawyers to school board information meetings on curriculum and very vocally and publicly reminding officials and parents that the time has come to move forward or their schools will face immediate legal action,” Davis writes.

The combination of a curriculum that has not been fully vetted by parents, the bullying tactics of activist legal groups, and schools that feel forced to comply, resulted in the production of a lewd presentation to children that has left parents fuming. As a result, the largely Hispanic community, which is “whole-heartedly opposed to LGBT-based sex ed,” showed up at the meeting ready for a fight.

Board members were prepared, however. Upon seeing how many parents had shown up at the meeting, with even the overflow rooms filled to capacity, the board tried several delay tactics to avoid confrontation but they didn’t work. Parents were not leaving until they had their say.

Perhaps the most fiery exchange came from one Hispanic parent who asked a politically charged question: "How can a state that claims to be so much for the rights of immigrants and minorities then ignore our concerns on purpose? They are hypocrites!"

Other parents voiced concerns about their parental rights being stripped away, Davis reported.

“One mother said she only learned about the school’s ‘LGBT Fair’ after it had happened. She was shocked to learn that a local drag performer had been offering make-up application lessons to the students during the fair and did not feel it was appropriate for any school-approved activity to include make-up lessons for 11-14 year-olds regardless of LGBT issues. She had not even been given the opportunity to opt her child out of such a thing.”

Of course, there were supporters of the Fair and sex ed curriculum present at the meeting who resorted to the usual tactic of accusing concerned parents of being “hateful” and uneducated on the issues.

“One particularly vocal white woman even went so far as to call the nearly exclusively Hispanic parent crowd ‘liars’ and ‘fear-mongers’,” Davis reported.

She followed these supporters out of the meeting and learned that at least four of the five pro-curriculum commenters didn’t even live in the Santa Ana district.

Overall, Davis found the board members to have been condescending, hostile, and even demeaning in the answers they gave to parents.

"As an outside observer, I was terribly vexed by how dismissive and deceptive school authorities were to this particular group of parents. It was clear they did not believe immigrant Hispanic parents were engaged or informed enough to be welcomed into the process."

She added: "All these people were asking for was a say, a chance to be involved, to be heard and to be active participants in the education of their children. They were asking for respect and instead received nothing but contempt and disrespect from the very people they trust to care for the development of their students."

For those of us who might think that this is just another example of “whacky” California paying the price for their liberal voting habits, think again, says Davis.

“This is coming to a state and a school district near you."

If we don’t put a stop to the stampede of immoral policies that are being thrust upon the public under the guise of “progressivism” that day will be here sooner than any of us would like!

The Family Research Council is urging parents to educate themselves on the transgender movement in America and is offering “A Parent’s Guide to the Transgender Movement in Education.”

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