The Foundation of Prayer for Priests and Women of Grace® and the Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women® are announcing a new partnership which will unite these apostolates in a coordinated movement of spiritual formation, enrollment, and education to deepen the understanding of spiritual motherhood of souls, especially of priests.
The Foundation of Prayer for Priests (FPP) is an international Eucharistic apostolate of prayer and catechesis established in 2013 with approval from the Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy. The mission of the Foundation is to spiritually protect and advance the holiness and fruitfulness of the Priesthood of the Lord through prayer, sacrifice, service and study. Central to this mission is Eucharistic Adoration, Marian consecration, and spiritual motherhood or fatherhood of priests and seminarians.
The main work of the Foundation is done through individual or communal intercessory prayer, reparation and the offering up of suffering, all of which spiritually builds up and protects our clergy, a service that has become more vital than ever as the priesthood endures ever-increasing attack.
Kathleen Beckman, president and co-founder of the Foundation, and Johnnette Benkovic Williams, president and founder of Women of Grace® and the Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women®, believe the union of these two ministries is a perfect fit. The vital role of spiritual motherhood is already very much a part of both Women of Grace® and The Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women®. Hundreds of Women of Grace® groups are bringing women together in homes and parishes around the world for prayer.
The mission of Women of Grace® is to transform the world one woman at a time by affirming women in their dignity and vocation as daughters of God and in their gift of authentic femininity™ through ongoing spiritual formation. Similarly, the mission of the Women of Grace® Benedicta Leadership Institute for Women® is to identify, educate, develop, and train Catholic women to be active leaders and mentors of the day in accord with their state in life. By infusing family life, communities, institutions, organizations and governmental agencies with Catholic moral and social teaching, the leaders trained by this Institute will do much to infuse a Culture of Life into contemporary society and will "aid humanity in not falling."
Collaboration between the two ministries is not entirely new. Kathleen Beckman has appeared on EWTN’s Women of Grace® television show and a recent appearance is featured in a new Morning of Grace program, a Women of Grace® monthly event that brings women together for spiritual formation and fellowship. In this particular program, women learn about the essential nature of both prayer, and prayer for priests, and are given opportunities to think about how they can pray and support their priests during these difficult times.
Together with Women of Grace® Director of Administration and Development, Isabelle, Liberatore, and Regional Coordinator and Board Member, Martha and Anthony Nicolli, the apostolates will begin working on joint programs such as a bishop/cardinal adoption campaign; fasting for the spiritual protection of our priests, and a 54-day Rosary campaign for the Church and the world.
Join with us as we explore our mutual mission of living out our vocation as spiritual mothers for God’s chosen shepherds and, ultimately, for the salvation of the world!
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