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Exorcist says Promiscuity, New Age Practices Lead to Demonic Possession

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Writer A British priest and practicing exorcist says that promiscuity, whether heterosexual or homosexual, and New Age practices such as Reiki, can lead to demonic possession. According to a report by LifeSiteNews, Father Jeremy Davies, 73, a priest of the Westminster diocese of the Catholic Church of England and Wales, said sexual perversions as well as trendy New Age practices can open the door to evil spirits. Offering what may be an explanation for the explosion of homosexuality in recent years, Fr. Davies said, "Among the causes of homosexuality is a contagious demonic factor." He went on to say: "Even heterosexual promiscuity is a perversion; and intercourse, which belongs in the sanctuary of married love, can become a pathway not only for disease but also for evil spirits. Some very unpleasant things must be mentioned because young people, especially, are vulnerable and we must do what we can to protect and warn them," he told the Catholic Herald. He also said that Satan is responsible for having blinded most secular humanists to the "dehumanising effects of contraception and abortion and IVF, of homosexual 'marriages', of human cloning and the vivisection of human embryos in scientific research." He also said that extreme secular humanism, or “atheistic scientism,” which he compares to “rational Satanism” is leading Europe into a dangerous state of apostasy. "Only by a genuine personal decision for Christ and the Church can someone separate himself from it." Fr. Davies, an Oxford graduate and medical doctor, made these comments in conjunction with the publication of his new book, entitled, Exorcism: Understanding Exorcism in Scripture and Practice published earlier this year by the Catholic Truth Society (CTS). Fr. Davies also warns in his book against so-called New Age and occult practices, as well as trendy exercise and "spiritual healing" regimens derived from eastern religions. "The thin end of the wedge (soft drugs, yoga for relaxation, horoscopes just for fun and so on) is more dangerous than the thick end because it is more deceptive - an evil spirit tries to make his entry as unobtrusively as possible." "Beware of any claim to mediate beneficial energies (eg. reiki), any courses that promise the peace that Christ promises (eg. enneagrams), any alternative therapy with its roots in eastern religion (e.g. acupuncture)." Needless to say, overtly occult activities such as séances and witchcraft are direct invitations to the Devil which he readily accepts." Fr. Davies was appointed exorcist of the Westminster Archdiocese in 1986 after a four month training period in Rome. In 1993 he co-founded, with Italy's Father Gabriele Amorth, the International Association of Exorcists which now has hundreds of members worldwide. In 2000, Fr. Davies told the Independent newspaper that incidents of demonic possession are rising dramatically along with the increase of New Age beliefs and practices, ignorance of the Bible and a growth in spiritual confusion. "At the centre of this is man's ever-growing pride and attempted self-reliance,” he said, “man trying to build a better world without God - another Tower of Babel."   © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly/Women of Grace.   New Age practices from crystals to psychics to witchcraft are infiltrating our culture and even our Church. In the 5 CD set, “The New Age Counterfeit,” you’ll get the facts about a variety of the most popular movements and the spiritual dangers they pose to Christians. Available in our store at




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