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Senate Health Care Bill Could Make Planned Parenthood a Quasi-Government Entity

By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Staff Journalist The current version of the Senate’s health care reform bill may allow Planned Parenthood to become a quasi-government entity for sex education. The American Life League is reporting that in Section 1803 of the America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009, which is the Senate’s version of health care reform, a National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Resource Center is created. According the language of the bill, “The Secretary shall award a grant to a nationally recognized, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that meets the requirements described in clause (ii) to establish and operate a national teen pregnancy prevention resource center (in this subparagraph referred to as the ‘Resource Center’) to carry out the purpose and activities described in clause (iii). (emphasis added) The requirements for this organization can be found in clause (ii): “The organization has demonstrated experience working with and providing assistance to a broad range of individuals and entities to reduce teen pregnancy. The organization is research-based and has comprehensive knowledge and data about teen pregnancy prevention strategies. Rita Diller, national director for STOP Planned Parenthood, says there is only one “nationally recognized” organization that fits the bill – Planned Parenthood. “This dangerous provision in the Senate health care bill could give Planned Parenthood, already under investigation for tax fraud and concealing child rape, quasi-government status and even more influence over our kids,” Diller said. Section 1803 also creates a “Personal Responsibility Education for Adulthood Training” program (i.e. sex education), which grants at least $250,000 to each state to educate adolescents on "both abstinence and contraception for the prevention of pregnancy and STDs.” © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®