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Abortion is Planned Parenthood’s Cash Cow

baby face 2Despite the fact that the abortion rate has dropped nationwide, Planned Parenthood performed nearly 500 more abortions in 2014 than in the preceding year with abortion now comprising 94 percent of the company’s business.

LifeNews is reporting on the latest annual report released by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America which reveals that their clinics performed 487 more abortions this year than last year. On average, from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, Planned Parenthood clinics aborted 37 babies per hour, or nearly one every 90 seconds.

During the same period, Planned Parenthood received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, equaling 41 percent of its revenue.

Meanwhile, it’s contraceptive business actually declined by nearly 150,000 patients.

“Despite this lack of increase in its primary business, Planned Parenthood continued to receive over a half-billion dollars in taxpayer money,” Sedlak told LifeNews. “It has such a tremendous publicity machine that it convinced corporate and private donors to increase donations by more than $75 million (from $315.4 million to $391.8 million).”

Overall, the “nonprofit” company brought in $305.3 million last year compared to last year’s record profit of $305.4 million.

“The increased donations, plus an increase of $28 million in ‘other operating revenue’ and the reduction in costs from closing clinics, led to a near-record $127.1 million in profits for the largest abortion chain in the nation. This was the second highest reported annual profit in Planned Parenthood’s history.” Sedlak explained.

Despite their insistence on being a woman’s health care provider, abortions made up 94 percent of their business last year. Their cancer screening services declined 17 percent and their contraceptive services were down four percent last year. Prenatal care services declined four percent and adoption referrals were down 14 percent in the same time period.

“The abortion rate may be declining across America, but not in Planned Parenthood clinics,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, to LifeNews.

“Their latest annual report is fresh evidence that Planned Parenthood remains an abortion-centered, profit-driven business. In 2013, Planned Parenthood upped the number of abortions they performed to 327,653. Meanwhile, their already limited cancer screenings, prenatal services, adoption referrals – and even contraception services – continue to drop. Planned Parenthood claims to be an altruistic health care provider for women and girls but their bottom line is all about abortion.”

The good news is that the number of surgical abortion clinics has dropped 23 percent over the past five years with 73 abortion closures reported this year. Of that number, 60 were permanent closures. © All Rights Reserved, Living His Life Abundantly®/Women of Grace®




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