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Trump Bans Transgenders in Military

7711721 - sage green military combat boots with us flag in the background.In keeping with a campaign promise to handle the infestation of political correctness in the military, President Donald J. Trump announced today that transgenders will be banned from serving in the military.

The Daily Caller is reporting on the executive decision made by the president after consulting with top U.S. generals and military experts. This decision reverses a major decision made during the Obama administration to allow transgendered persons from serving in the military.

“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow . . . Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military," the president tweeted this morning.

"Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming . . . victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you.”

Ever since the lifting of the ban on transgenders serving in the military last year, which was supposed to take effect this year on July 1, serious questions have been raised about the money needed to upgrade facilities such as group showers and other accommodations within communal living spaces.

In addition, when former defense secretary Ash Carter tried to define accommodations for transgenders in the military, he is said to have encountered “significant internal resistance” among civilian staff for believed military leaders did not support the change.

The Defense Department estimates that as little as 7,000 transgender troops are currently serving in the active-duty force of 1.3 million.

The president’s decision is sure to rile LGBTQ activists across the country, but it comes as a welcome relief to those who oppose the social engineering that occurred both in the military and the culture in general during the previous administration. This was particularly true in the military where Christians have begun to leave active service, citing a “hostile work environment” caused by an increasing disdain for people of faith.

"This administration has had an open hostility toward the Christian faith," said former Arkansas Governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee to CNN. Citing orders from the administration to military chaplains,"to put its Bibles away, not to pray in Jesus' name, not to counsel people on the issues of sexual morality,” it’s no wonder that good people are living the military.

"When you have this attitude that is more about promoting gay marriage and gay rights in the military than it is about being able to protect religious liberty for those people of faith, it's going to be hard to find people that are truly devoted people of faith and Christian believers and Orthodox Jews and others," he said.

Today’s move is a being seen as a sign that a more tolerant era may be on its way back to the nation.

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